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What other people have asked
My name is James and I’ve been visiting your website regularly for quite some time now. I think it’s a great resource and I was wondering if you would ever consider selling you website?
I would love to take over it and grow it out. I’m a huge LEGO lover who loves making my own MOC sets.
To show you I’m serious about it, I’ll even offer to pay a good amount to you for the ownership transfer.
Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Sorry, but will never be for sale.
I have been sculpting with lego for a couple years now.
Recently commisioned to to a 8 bit mural for a local gaming store. I ordered a massive amount of lego from a supplier but the expense is astrinomical. Its covered in the budget for it.
But not my own time sculpting. My question is how do you get your lego. Do you have an endorsement by lego or something similar. Beacause even wholsale on ebay serenity had to have been 300 lbs. most sllers are 45 a pound. Thats almost 14,000 in lego. Blows the mind. I want to continue on sculpting with lego because i grew up with it. I love it. I was the 80s guy in the movie building spaceships lol. Just looking for a way to aquire my lego a little more cost efficiently.
Ive just discovered your video on youtube and found the site which totally blew my frickin mind. What you do is absolutely amazing.
Thank you for your time
Byron steele. (MaRvIn StRaNgE)
I buy my Lego just like everybody else – either from sets in stores or via Bricklink. There’s no secret stash, really. Just a guy buying Lego for a very long time. Thanks for the kind words!
What ever happened to Serenity? That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
If you ever sell it I would be very interested.
It’s currently on display at Sir Troy’s Toy Kingdom in North Canton, Ohio. I am happy to make a duplicate, just drop me an email at brickfrenzy at gmail dot com.
Is everything you make made from Lego, or do you use other pieces and special parts from other sources like Mega Blocks as an example.
Except for things like string and the occasional counterweight, everything is 100% Lego.
Why dont you have a pic. of the moonbase complete connectet?? al the parts together? i realy like to see that.
Thank you
As with most of my models, they stay together just long enough to be photographed, and perhaps taken to a Lego show. I don’t tend to keep a lot together, due to storage space.
Were can you buy the trays that seperate the legos(yellow trays)
All of my containers and storage bins are purchased from regular retail stores, like Walmart, Target, and Home Depot. Look around there and you’ll probably find what you need.
How much do you want for your a -10 model!!!
I am really interested and a Warthog fanatic!!!
Make an offer if you want to buy a copy of one of my models, as I do commissions. However, keep in mind that working in Lego is much more expensive than you might think.
When I converted to the new page layout, Brikwars didn’t fit in with the theme and layout. As I’d not played a game of Brikwars in years, I decided to drop that from the web site.
What happened to Castle World? I used to love to look at those pictures.
Castle World was another section that I removed when I updated to the new format. The pictures that I’d taken of those stories were pretty bad, and the entire Castle World / Isle of Mist global storyline was dropped by the administrators of the project, so I decided to remove them when I updated, and focus primarily on models, and the occasional comic strip.
Hmm, the names of the Tribunal and Blood Moon models caught my eye. Has anyone else asked if you are planning to build an Oblivion space model as well, pending Bethesda finishes soon? 😀
Great constructions by the way.
Hmm…could be 🙂
omg..! you are amazing! i love the nuclear facility and weapons museum. but my question is where do you get your legos? and how much does it cost to keep up the production you do?
Well, I get my bricks from the same places everybody else does. Retail stores,, the Lego outlets and retail stores, and Bricklink. I don’t have any magical source that nobody else does. As for how much I spend, well that’s between my wife and me (and the credit card companies). Needless to say it’s a fair bit.
Your models are incredible. Is there any chance you have building instructions for any of them?
Except for my Bricklink Store, I don’t offer kits or instructions for any of my creations. Creating instructions is a very long and complicated procedure, and I’d rather build more. Likewise, unless listed on Bricklink, none of my creations are for sale either. Sorry!